Images for Bongo 0.6.0
I have been working on the images in the Suse Studio environment as I mentioned in my blog post here.
I started the investigations to find that our RPM repository was in need of a bit of work. I wanted to create a new repository in my own name that would allow me to build these RPMs for the project.
Thinking about the delivery of the RPM’s I thought it best to open a repository with a generic name namely “bongo-project”. This would allow more than one person to work on the repository, but for the repository to keep its identity.
Once the repository was setup I realized that I had to learn RPM packaging as I had been so used to the Conary way of packaging that it was almost second nature.
After quite a long time I have been able to get consistent builds from the OBS which have produced RPM’s for a number of OS’s.
Now cam the part that I really to do from the start Create images.
All in all it has been a painless effort as the interface is easy to use and intuitive. I only had to ask for help a few times to find out that the error was mine and not the studio’s. I have created images for the following
- ISO Live CD
- Vmware Image
- Xen Image
- USB/HDD Image
These images are all x86 (32bit) and do not have any web interface (well we ripped it out remember)
The only downside at the moment is that they have not created the marketplace yet so any images created will be deleted after a while. This left me with a dilemma, how do I publish the images?
My solution…..
To create a subdomain on my own website for the bongo downloads.
The link is Http://
Here you will find a crude yet cute website with links to the bongo tar.gz files. I was impressed with the size of the images about 150mb each which I think is quite good.
For those of you on the rPath images as promised I will be creating one more update to that image set unless there are enough of you that want it. I have a problem in that Bongo does not work on Python 2.4 which is the deployed version on the rPath system. rPath is not the only OS affected CentOS 5 and RHEL 5 are also affected by this. I have asked the guys to look at why it is failing and to see if they could get it working as soon as I can build it I will.
I would really like to know who of you are using the rPath images as I have no idea how many of you there are. Please post a response here if you do.