Building the new Bongo Admin UI

A while ago Alex (so_solid_moo to the IRC channel) created a php binding for the Bongo API. He also created the start of the new UI that we are working towards.

We started with the admin ui for now as we have created a user interface with the roundcube project that Alex also integrated with.

I stared porting the current Dragonfly assets into the project and I tried to stick to the old design style as much as possible as I really loved it’s look and feel.

After a bout a week I was done and submitted it to the git repo of the new project.

Although I was glad that we had stared the project and that I had done as well as I could on the pretty bits I was not quite happy with the quality of the work.

I was going through my git repo’s this weekend and found the twitter git repo where they have open sourced all their CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) this inspired me to see if I could use this as it was MUCH better quality CSS that what I could come up with.

So I started work on the migration as an experiment and from the word go it was so much easier. Their default styles just make sense and to alter or add my customisation took only a very few lines of CSS code.

I was extremely grateful for this as it will enable us to improve our UI as we go along. you can find the new webui in Alex’s github project here.