Standing up and being counted.
I have for some time now been wondering how many people actually use Bongo.
The reason for this is that we have had images available for a while and I am still non the wiser as to how many people actually use them.
I faithfully spend hours and hours building packages and getting them out the door but have no markers to see if they are being used.
While reading the docs for the ESVA appliance ( I noticed that they have a cronjob that downloads a file and immediately deletes it. This allows for roughly seeing who is using their appliance .
They have documentation that tells people how to remove the cronjob which effectively turns off this tool.
I propose that the Bongo project perhaps use something similar to allow us to know how many people use the products we produce. it would be nice to know how many people are using Bong while the Web-UI is not working and then once we release something if that number increases and at what rate.
I am really interested in ideas as to how we can achieve this with or without having some kind of phone home too.
Please leave a comment on this post if you like, or send an e-mail to the user or devel list or even come and have your say on the IRC channel.
I have also added a simple poll on the left
Thanks in advance