Work on the Bongo 0.4 appliances

For some time now I have been asked why I have not released the Bongo 0.4.0 packages to the Bongo rPath repo.

The reason I have given is that the webUI bits for Bongo have been broken in Bongo after some major work was done on the store area of the project. The other agents we have e.g. SMTP, IMAP, POP, ANTISPAM and ANTIVIRUS are all still performing very well and I use the code on a server at home running about 4 domains.

This work has improved the performance of the store and also fixed quite a few niggles that had crept in while we were removing old Novell code. We were going to focus on the web UI once we had a stable 0.4.0 version of the store. Things have developed quite a bit further and we are now close to a 0.5 release. This does not mean that we are going to have a working webUI for this release as the work that has gone on for the webUI will need revisiting. We have had discussions about what we want to do with the webUI and perhaps where we want to take it. It is not quite as simple as one would think.

The reason I am rambling on about this is that I want to now work towards releasing a version of the Bongo appliances that does not have a webUI installed. This WILL break any 0.3 install of Bongo so when I do release it. It will be on your head if you lose your webUI.

So my next few weeks will be aimed at getting 0.4 ready for roll-out.